Well done Silver Birch!

Super work in TimesTables Rockstars Silver Birch. I was really pleased with our  performance.....but we must keep it up because Willow will be doing their best to win the competiton this week. Anybody who has forgotten/ lost their login, check your planner or send a text or email to school and I will send a reminder to you. Then you can help in the Battle of the Bands....Good luck!

Readtheory continues and this week special mentions go to Nicky, Brogan and Isobel. Keep up the great work! If you decided to read a book instead, please send me a review so we can create a recommended book list for Silver Birch. I know Amelia has been enjoying reading lots of books and surprising her mum with her amazing progress.  

It has been quite a long time since we were all in class enjoying our learning together.  Sometimes it can be tricky to stay focussed on any work at all when the weather is fine, but it really makes a difference if you keep up with a little bit of Maths and reading.  We will be coming back to school and when we do it will be more comfortable if we have still kept our 'learning heads' on. A little bit each day is the best way to do it and if you learn for an hour (or two) in the morning you still have lots of time to get outside, go for your walk or bike ride, play on your games, build, bake or draw and write letters to older family member who are stuck inside (Miley did this last week and I thought it was a lovely, kind thing to do).  


Times tables Rockstars - every point counts in the Battle of the Bands!

WhiteRose learning  - This week (Summer 3) It's fact families for Year 2, money for Year 3 and multiplication for Year 4.  We have done this kind of work before so it will be quite straight forward.


Readtheory points are awarded for reading and getting the question right. Nicky and Brogan got the most points this week.  I still check each week!


Keep on with EDshed for spelling and practise your handwriting daily. 

Hopefully you managed to write some amazing stories using the Talk for writing resources. This week I've found a couple of Pobble 365 that you might like for this week. May the (writing) force be with you!


For our science/ creative work you can continue the project from last week.

If you're a bit fed up with being at home, why not have a go at a Google Trek?  You could visit the Pyramids, the Burj Khalifa, the Amazon Rainforest, the Great Barrier Reef and more! 

We love catching up with you when we call and the photos and work you send us in to Twitter @GS_Federation or by email really do raise our spirits and make us smile.

Take care and stay safe

Mrs K & Miss F

Don't forget!

the new Daily Challenge being posted - I love the tongue twister one.  Let me know how you get on, and what your favourite tongue twister is.