Staff in the Goldsborough Sicklinghall Federation work hard to keep parents and carers fully informed of each child's successes, challenges and aspects of your child's education that require a little help and support from home.
It is vital that parents and carers feel able to approach school with any questions or concerns that may arise quickly so that we can work together to ensure that your child's time in school is happy, successful and full of learning.
Questions and concerns should be addressed to the school administrator or your child's class teacher in the first instance. S/he will endeavour to meet with you as soon as possible, either informally at the end of the school day or more formally by way of appointment. Due to teachers' additional commitments in and out of school, please be aware that it may not be possible to meet your child's teacher formally on the same day as your appointment request.
If your concern cannot be addressed, or if you feel that your concern has not been resolved following discussion with your child's class teacher, parents/carers are invited to meet with a member of the Goldsborough Sicklinghall Federation Senior Leadership Team. This will be Mrs Richards or Mrs Johnson (SENCo) in the first instance followed by Mrs Ellis.
If, following informal discussion and partnership working, parents/carers wish to make a formal complaint, we have a full and comprehensive Complaints Procedure and Policy, which can be found below. Copies can be made available upon request.
Please speak to the school administrator request a copy of the policy.