Keeping our children safe is of paramount importance in the Goldsborough Sicklinghall Federation.

​Our Senior Designated Leader for Child Protection is ​Mrs Zoe Ellis (Executive Headteacher).  She works diligently with all staff and can always be contacted for advice when working at either site.  

If it is not possible to make contact with Mrs Ellis, our Deputy Senior Designated Leader for Child Protection is Catherine Richards (Assistant Headteacher) who also works across both sites Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Additional Deputy Safeguarding Officer: Mrs Askew who is part of the Leadership Team and a full time Teacher at Goldsborough. 

If your concerns cannot be directed to the school staff named above, please contact our Safeguarding Governor, Mrs Jules Clegg, via the school office by calling (01937) 582494 or via email [email protected]

The school's Child Protection, Safeguarding and related policies can be found on the policies page.

If you have a concern about the welfare of a pupil outside of school term-time/ the school day, make a referral by contacting the Emergency Duty Team on 0300 131 2 131. 

Please see the posters below for pictures of the staff Safeguarding Leaders and Governor and the contacts for the Local Authority to make a referral,