Silver birch girl working on her what god would be if he were a thing sheet
Silver birch boy working on his what god would be if he were a thing sheet
Silver birch girl working on her what god would be if he were a thing sheet
Silver birch girl working on her what god would be if he were a thing sheet
Silver birch boys working on their what god would be if he were a thing sheet

In RE our big question for the half term is ‘What do I think about God?’

The children have been discussing today what ‘believe’ means and how different people have different faiths and beliefs or might not have a faith at all. We spoke about how God is different and how God is the same in a few different religions. We then completed an activity of what God might look like if he was different objects and why we thought that. The children had some great discussions as they worked about why they were choosing certain objects for God.